Home » Love Spells » Obsession Spells

Love knows no boundaries. We want not only to give love but also to receive it. Our ego is pleased when some person desires us very much. We want to make our relationship burn with passion, wishing to build a really binding connection.

If you want to fill your union with passion, you can try the love obsession spell. As the name suggests, this spell can make your partner obsessed with you. Cast correctly, it will help improve your romantic relationship. But you have to be careful with the spell. If your intentions are impure, dark forces can bring tragic consequences. For example, your partner may become so obsessed with you that he or she will start restricting your freedom or stalking you.

There are various ways of casting an obsession spell, including dangerous ones. They include voodoo or gypsy obsession spells that belong to black magic. But we encourage you to strive for white magic and, thus, offer an effective light obsession spell.

Things you will need to cast an obsession spell 

You will need several tools and ingredients to strengthen the bond with your partner with the help of the most powerful obsession spell. Check the must-have ingredients in the following list: 

  • A photograph of your partner 
  • A red candle 
  • A piece of paper and a pen, pencil, or whatever

Besides these ingredients, you will also need genuine good intentions and faith in this love spell. Positive thinking and a pure heart will help your witchcraft and bring fruitful results. 

How to cast an obsession spell?

Beginners may not know how to do an obsession spell. That’s why we prepared a step-by-step guide on your way to make the magic work!

  1. To rekindle flames with the help of an obsession spell, the first thing you have to do is to cleanse away negative or disturbing thoughts. You should focus on your wish and the good outcomes its fulfillment can bring. 
  2. To start spell-casting, wait till midnight because this is the most powerful and magical time of the day. That’s why it raises the chances of the spell working. 
  3. Take a photo of your beloved one and put it beside you. 
  4. Then, take a red candle, light it up, and place it behind the photograph. It’s crucial to take a red candle because red is a symbol of passion and a strong connection. A candle should be the only source of light in the room.
  5. Write down your wish on the paper and burn it with the help of the red candle. The wish should be in the present tense. Repeat the spell three times and wait until the paper burns out completely, leaving no smoke. 

We recommend casting the spell on Venus Day – Friday, or during a New Moon because the magic radiates on this period tremendously. 


The obsession spell is a great way to make your relationship more passionate and positively intense.  Let your heart be driven by not fury, jealousy and revenge but love and kindness if you wish magic works for you.

Allen Wood
Astrology & Psychic Expert
Allen Wood is an American psychic reader. His interests include language, psychology, literature, religious and mythological sciences. Allen Wood has been a concealer to alcohol and drug addicts, as well as victims of various Cults, implementing his knowledge in myths and religion.

Allen Wood devoted the last twenty years to psychic readings and astrology, focusing on love and relationship spheres. He has provided considerable assistance to clients with love life problems. As a culture explorer and love counselor, Allen Wood has made a fascinating contribution to Psychic House of Magic, having written numerous articles for our blog.